25 things about DSLR synopsis

  1. DSLR cameras are different then consumer cameras because they have detachable lenses
  2. prime lens has one focal length
  3. zoom lens have variable focal lengths
  4. the higher the focal length the more depth of field
  5. telephoto focal length is used for sports and wild life
  6. the lower the focal length the wider the angle
  7. more light lower iso
  8. less light more iso
  9. shutter speed is how long the shutter is open
  10. your shutter speed should be double your frame rate
  11. tripods are great for still pictures
  12. the smaller the aperture number the bigger the opening
  13. “fast” lens have a bigger maximum aperture
  14. larger aperture the shallower depth of field
  15. longer lens have a more shallow depth of field
  16. aperture/F-stop = depth of field
  17. shutter speed = blur
  18. iso = grain or noise
  19. full auto shooting mode = green box
  20. ca = creative audio
  21. tv= take control of only shutter speed
  22. Av= aperture control only
  23. A-dep= automatic depth of field
  24. manual you do it all yourself
  25. white balance has a numerical value

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